Browser Object Model (BOM)


1 min read

  • This dynamic manipulation of an HTML page on the client-side itself is achieved with the help of built-in browser objects. They allow JavaScript code to programmatically control the browser and are collectively known as Browser Object Model (BOM).

  • The Browser Object Model (BOM) is used to interact with the browser.

  • The BOM provides you with objects that expose the web browser’s functionality.

  • For programming purposes, the BOM model virtually splits the browser into different parts and refers to each part as a different type of built-in object. BOM is a hierarchy of multiple objects. 'window' object is the root object and consists of other objects in a hierarchy, such as, 'history' object, 'navigator' object, 'location' object, and 'document' object.

BOM Provides below objects :

  1. Window
  2. document
  3. history
  4. Screen
  5. Navigator
  6. Location